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Lateral-mount Type
CFC-free, clean cooling !
Specifications for universal power sources !


产品规格型号[Type] Lateral-mount type
安装方式[Model] NRC-100AL
制冷方式[Cooling scheme] Thermoelectric refrigeration method using peltiert elements
制冷功率[Cooling capacity] (W) 110
电源[Power supply](50/60Hz)
1 phase 100 to 240VAC±10%
电流[Current consumption](A) 3.0(MAX:3.2)
电机功率[Power consumption](W) 300
允许环境温度[Allowable ambient temperature ] 10 to 50
允许环境湿度[Allowable ambient humidity](%)

10 to 85 (No condensation)

风机[Number of fans] 4
显示[Display] Power lamp LED (Green)
Radio wave regulation VCCI (Class A)
抗噪音水平[Noise ](dB) Approx. 59
振动[Vibration resistance] Vibration frequency : 5Hz ; a double amplitude of 20mm

颜色[Paint color]

A color corresponding to ivory
体积[Outer dimensions] (mm) H395×W250×D175
重量[Weight](kg) 9.5

Cooling capacity:
Measured according to the enthalpy method with a test booth (H500×W300×D500) at an outside temperature of 25
Current consumption, Power consumption:
Value at an ambient temperature of 25 and a relative humidity of 40%, and the internal temperature of 25 with 100VAC.
Allowable ambient temperature:
When the ambient temperature is 10 and below, non-load operations may cause freezing.
Dehumidification capacity:
Capacity at temperature of 30 and a relative humidity of 80%

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