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安装方式[Type] Heating type drain evaporator
设置方法[Installation] Setting on the floor
水处理能力[Drain evaporation rate](g/h) 1400

电源[Power supply] (50/60Hz)

1 phase 200VAC±10%
电流[Current consumption] (A)(MAX) 7.0 (When fully filled with water drain)
启动电流[Starting current] (A) 7.5
电机功率[Power consumption] (W)(MAX) 1375
允许环境温度[Allowable ambient temperature] (oC) 20 to 45
允许环境湿度[Allowable ambient humidity] (%) 10 to 80(No condensation)
保证机能[Protective function]

Heater for vaporization:Temperature fuse(OFFat 152(℃))

Heater for heating:Bimetal thermostat(OFF at 65(℃))

处理方式[Evaporation scheme] Hot turbulert wing +Electronic heater type steam generation system
体积[Outer dimensions] (mm) H419×W335×D200
重量[Weight](kg) 12.2

Drain evaporation rate:
Evaporation rate determined at an ambient temperature of 30ºC and relative humidity of 60%, with water fed at a preset hourly rate

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